Inverse,Periodicity of Functions

What is a Period?

The time interval between two waves is known as a Period whereas a function that repeats its values at regular intervals or periods is known as a Periodic Function. In other words, a periodic function is a function that repeats its values after every particular interval.

\[f(x+a)\space = \space f(x) for\space a>0\]

How to find a period?

\[If\space for\space f(x)\space period\space =\space T,\space then\space period\space for\space f(ax)\space =\space \frac{T}{a}\]

\[Rest\space for\space all\space other\space cases\space of\space functions,\space the\space period\space remains\space same\]

What are inverse functions?

An inverse function or an anti function is defined as a function, which can reverse into another function. In simple words, if any function “f” takes x to y then, the inverse of “f” will take y to x.

If the function is denoted by ‘f’ or ‘F’, then the inverse function is denoted by f-1- or F-1.

How to find inverse?

The graph of the inverse of a function reflects two things, one is the function and second is the inverse of the function, over the line y = x.

\[The\space inverse\space function\space returns\space the\space original\space value\space for\space which\space a\space function\space gave\space the\space output.\]